Reverse Engineering
الهندسة العكسية
LanguageLanguage: EN / AR

Course Overview

This course is designed to develop the participants' skills in the field of reverse engineering and its applications in various industrial fields and methods of raising production efficiency in industrial facilities and various organizations and the importance of raising the overall efficiency for the individual and society and the expected return them and a strategic impact on the community.

Course Objective

  • The development of the skills of the trainees in the field of reverse engineering and its applications in various industrial fields
  • Raise production efficiency in industrial facilities and various organizations methods
  • The importance of raising the overall efficiency for the individual and society
  • Understanding of the principles and the concept of reverse engineering and used in industry
  • Identify the different systems for reverse engineering applications.

Who Should Attend??

All Employees in the field of development of the various manufacturing systems in factories and public and private institutions, production managers, generation, engineers, supervisors and technicians

Course Outline

  • Introductio of reverse engineering.
  • Identify the modern concept of reverse engineering.
  • Study practical steps to use reverse engineering.
  • Study product specifications, Study the overall shape and configuration.
  • Study performance, efficiency and resistance loads, study durability and reliability it.
  • Study and review the list of materials used in the product.
  • Study the application of the rules of value engineering on the design.
  • Study measuring the dimensions of the maximum possible accuracy.
  • Study new design productivity for the means available.
  • Study and review the list of materials used in the product.
  • Study measuring the dimensions of the maximum possible accuracy.
  • Study new design productivity for the means available.

Training Methodology

  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation