Management >> Human Resources

The Development of Human Resources & Personnel Management





Fee inclusive of VAT

Course Overview

This course is concerned with the development of knowledge and skills needed for productive and satisfying work in which in turn is critical to organizational success. As a key to human resource specialty area, it provides a vital service for today’s employees, employers, corporations and society. scientific breakthroughs, automation, productivity and quality thrusts, increasing career consciousness and other forces are contributing to this dynamic flux in the world of work with jobs appearing and changing at accelerated rates. As such, the focus of this subject is on learning within the context of the individual-organization relationship

Course Objective

At the end of the course the students should be able to :-

1.Recognizeandillustratea general overview and principles of the HRD field

2.Developthe training program incorporating the stages of needs analysis, selection of resources and techniques and evaluation

3.Identifythe implications and consequences of HRD efforts in organizations

Who Should Attend?

This training will be animated by any one work in the field of Human Resources and Management Consultancy
Services. We expect the target audience to represent those people who are currently working in the Human
Resource Management Department and directly involved in HR Compensation and Benefits’ areas.

Course Outline

Introduction to HRM, HRD and HRP

  • Course introduction and objectives
  • The context for HR
  • Change management
  • Human Resource Management V Personnel Management
  • Human Resource Development (HRD)
  • Human Resource Planning (HRP)
  • Strategic HRM – the new HR Strategic Model
  • Outsourcing

Resourcing & Recruitment

  • The employment psychological contract

  • Why do good people leave?

  • The process approach to interviewing

  • Induction, job descriptions and references

  • Personality Questionnaires and forms of testing

  • Methods of detecting when applicants don’t tell the truth

  • The new recruitment process to avoid litigation

  • The value of using assessment centers

Pay & Employee Rewards

  • Employee motivation

  • Salary, bonuses & benefits

  • Understanding competencies

  • Competency based Assessment

  • Competency and performance based pay

  • Different structures – different pay and rewards

  • Total pay concept

  • Salary surveys

Training Learning & Development

  • Career management

  • Personal development

  • Coaching

  • Mentoring

  • E-learning

  • How flat organisational structures and empowered teams affect training and development

  • Self-Development

  • 360 degree feedback as a development tool

Value for money from HR

  • The new HR structure
  • New roles within HR
  • HR Business Partners
  • Value of trend analysis and HRP
  • Internal and External Frameworks
  • Proving ROI on HR activities
  • Review

Training Methodology

  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation

Terms & Conditions

ACTrain reserves the right to alter the Course Schedule without Prior Notification, Fees Quoted are Subject to Terms & Conditions Outlined in ACTrain's Registration Policy

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