Management / Office Admin Secretary


Document Control Specialist


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This Document Control Specialist training course covers the strategies, tools, and technologies used to capture, categorise, manage, store, preserve(archive), and deliver documents and records in support of business processes.

  • To understand document and records management lifecycle
  • Help create business case and requirements for the selection and procurement of document and records management
  • Concepts for managing information and content, such workflow, business process and collaboration
  • Learn about legislation, standards and regulation
  • Review industry leading solutions and vendors in this marketplace Using metadata, business classification scheme, taxonomy and setting retention plans
  • Professionals and leaders who wish to learn more about document management strategies for improving organisational efficiency
  • Personnel moving into leadership roles to embrace better controls for managing paper and electronic documents
  • Information Security Professionals
  • Document Controllers and Administrators
  • Document and Records Management Personnel
  • Document Management Supervisors
  • Suppliers, Solution Providers and Vendors
  • Strategy and Understanding Key Elements of Documents & Records Management Compliance
  • Introduce Document and Records Management
  • Business requirements for Managing Document and Records
  • Managing Information as an Asset
  • Understanding the Terminology
  • Document and Records Management Strategies
  • Document and Records Lifecycle
  • Capture and Storage Management
  • Storage and Handling
  • Preservation and Archiving
  • Information Gathering:audit and survey
  • Building a Business Case
  • Implementation Planning
  • Information Audit:monitoring compliance
  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation

Terms & Conditions

ACTrain reserves the right to alter the Course Schedule without Prior Notification, Fees Quoted are Subject to Terms & Conditions Outlined in ACTrain's Registration Policy


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